Cumbrians To Go To The Poles But How Have The Constituencies Changed

With the boundary commission changes coming into effect for the General Election Cumbrian constituency are changing.

Currently there are six seats available in Cumbria and after the 2019 General Election five were taken by the Conservative Party with the Liberal Democrats holding the other seat:

  • Barrow and Furness – Simon Fell (Conservative)
  • Carlisle – John Stevenson (Conservative)
  • Copeland – Trudy Harrison (Conservative)
  • Penrith and the Border – Dr Neil Hudson (Conservative)
  • Workington – Mark Jenkinson (Conservative)
  • Westmorland and Lonsdale – Tim Farron (Liberal Democrats)

In the upcoming 2024 General Election three of the current seats are to be abolished with Copeland, Workington and Penrith and the Border ceasing to exist.

These will be changed to Penrith and Solway and Whitehaven and Workington with one seat going completely.

While the boundaries of the other two will be adjusted with some of Westmorland and Lonsdale going to Morecambe and Lunesdale while Barrow and Furness gain some of the former Copeland constituency.

The five Cumbrian constituencies and the Lancashire constituency all have an electorate of over 70,000.

The main parties, Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat have announced who is standing along with Reform and The Green Party in the six seats.

Independent candidates and any other parties that are looking to stand can still apply.

The deadline for anyone wanting to stand as a candidate in the General Election is Friday, June 7, by 4pm (16:00).